EWA Sensors

Key Values

  • EWA Sensors develops condition monitoring sensors for machines, with integrated Early Warning Analytics.
  • The sensors are real-time, autonomous sensors with fieldbus interface.
  • We provide evaluated knowledge of the health and condition of the machine and provides warnings / alarms when action should be taken.

Condition Monitoring

Machine condition monitoring is a range of techniques and technologies used to monitor the condition and performance of various machine parts within the

The quality of condition monitoring parameters is depending on two things – The monitored sensors signals quality and the used algorithm design

EWA platform

The EWA sensor captures the essential operation of the machine, and the sensor robustness comes by using a multi sensor approach, combining two fundamental signal domains: vibration and magnetic flux.

The EWA sensor calculates a long range of parameters, with status updates every second: and made available on the sensor fieldbus.​