

Sustainability and responsible business conduct are at the core of our DNA.

We support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) throughout our value chain – from sourcing, production, customer partnerships to our application business areas.

Our products positively impact environment by decreasing our customers’ energy consumption, pollution and waste.

SDG 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation

We work with increased resource-use efficiency, including the use of technology to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emission. We support our customers in increasing productivity through technological upgrading, creating high-value added for service- and operation staff.

Our ambition:
Reducing our customers energy consumption and CO2 emission by 10%.

How this is achieved:
Our solution increases system uptime, machine efficiency and machine lifetime.

SDG 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

We prioritize sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources.

Our ambition:
We will work in areas focusing on
1. Extraction and use of natural resources, e.g., within raw materials and mining
2. Food production and reduction of food losses in the production chain, e.g., within aquaculture reducing fish mortality during farming

How this is achieved:
Our solution supports an increased, efficient extraction and use of natural materials, during the whole value chain from extraction, to refining and production, by increasing machine efficiency, and extend lifetime on machine and machine parts.

SDG 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development

We work to prevent and reduce marine pollution of all kinds, in particular from land-based activities, including nutrient pollution. We work together with our customers and partners to reduce environmental pollution from land-based activities such as unintentional wastewater overflows.

Our ambition:
We want to reduce unintended overflows and the amount of environmentally harmful substances discharged to streams, lakes and seas by 10% on each WW plant with the sensor solution installed.

How this is achieved:
We increase uptime and performance of systems and machines, which reduces the number of and the magnitude of overflows.